Friday, May 31, 2019
Proposal for Pine Valley Furniture Ecommerce Webstore Essay -- Busines
Proposal for Pine vale Furniture Ecommerce WebstoreNow is the time to implement an Ecommerce webstore, and Eysie and SehrManagement Information System Consultants argon the people who can makeit happen. In an effort to maintain a competitive advantage PineValley Furniture needs to implement an ecommerce webstore. makethis transition and developing a webstore illustrates Pine ValleyFurnitures commitment to change with the times and will prevent theloss of market shargon by competition. act to justify why PineValley Furniture needs to develop a webstore is futile, the reality isthat developing a web-store for Pine Valley Furniture is a matter ofsurvival. This proposal is a guideline and a road map in making PineValley Furniture a competitive webstore. offshoot off, we need to focus on what our business objectives are andwho our target audience is. As a corporation, our business objectivesare to increase revenues for the shareholders while expanding ourgrowth and big(a) our costs. Ma rket research has indicated that theareas of bodily Furniture, Home Office Furniture, and StudentFurniture have vast growth potential if properly managed on awebstore. If we are to create a webstore based fundamentally onpushing these three lines, we need to characterize what type of peoplewill be buying these items. Corporate Furniture has a broaderpotentiality of selling in larger bulk quantities, while Student andCorporate Furniture will focus more on customization andpersonalization. Now that we had identified what it is that we want to sell on ourwebstore and who it is that we want to sell it to, we can now choosewhat type of hardware and software we will need. In order for oursystem to be operating at maximum efficiency, Eysie and SehrManagement Information System Consultants recommend a three tieredsystem because of live system compatibilities. Tier one willconsist of a web server level, this layer will handle incominginternet requests, load eternal sleep requests, displa y html pages, routeweb requests to application server, and assemble data from anapplication server into web pages for clients. (George, 259)The s tier is the application server layer, this layer willauthenticate users, process transactions, retrieve and send data toweb server, and retrieve and send data to existing appli... ...dware is located off site, application is createprofessionally and managed off site, and thus provides excellentemergency response. Some disadvantages of this option would be thatit is inflexible, difficult to integrate with existing systems, andthe resources are shared with other clients. (George, 258)The second option is to enterprise a resource readying system. Theadvantages of this would be stability and available documentation. Disadvantages of this option would be that it requires internaldevelopment, and would render documentation crucial during planningand development. (George, 258)The last thing that we need to address is how essential the commitm entto this transition is. If this is going to be a successfultransformation, the entire organization must gift unilateralsupport from the CEO throughout the entire organization.In conclusion, Eysie and Sehr Management Information SystemConsultants are willing to implement this ecommerce system for PineValley Furniture and are eager to do so as soon as possible.Works CitedGeorge, Hoffer, Valacich. Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design. 2nd edition, India. 2002 p. 149-258.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
A Little Thinking Music :: Biology Essays Research Papers
A Little Thinking MusicWords argon the pen of the heart, but music is the pen of the soul said Shneur Zalman. Aint it funny how a melody brings back memories/takes you to another place and time/completely changes your put up of mind croons the old country b alonead. Give me the beat boys and free my soul, I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away says the continent blues numbers. We are a species obsessed with these compositions of sound and rhythm. We call it the universal language and provide it the role of conveying our emotions without the restrictions of a linguistic system, we say that it has the susceptibility to trigger memories and change moods. Why do our brains react so powerfully to music? How do we process it and what purpose does it serve? These are some of the questions I set out to answer in my little musical odyssey.When you hear a piece of music, the ear converts the sound waves into vibrations in specific parts of the internal and middle ear. These vibrations are then translated into action potentials that travel through the eighth cranial nerve to the brain stem, the thalamus, and the auditory cortex (1). It seems that the brain takes a song and translates it into its own neurosymphony-sending electrical impulses to various parts of your brain. These varying archetypes of impulses generate thoughts, feelings, and emotions (3) . It sounds almost as though we store various different patterns of these impulses in our brains and when the same pattern of sounds matches a pattern of impulses, it triggers a set of images. The interesting function is that the same set of frequencies or pattern of impulses generates different images for different people. For instance, when I hear the Beatles sensationalistic Submarine, I think of Mr. C, my fifth grade teacher, his old record player, and rock and roll Tuesdays. When my roommates brain registers the same pattern of impulses, it brings up the memory of her familys tan colored person Volkswagen Rabbit. When I hear Beethovens Moonlight Sonata, I hear raindrops and soft footsteps, while another person might hear rays of light falling on water. We all have distinct visions of the same pattern of sounds. Neurobiologists, like Harvards Mark Tramo, have yet to figure out exactly how this comes about (3) .Music is one thing that stimulates and utilizes most parts of the brain (2).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Lansdowne Hermes :: Art Analysis
Sculpture is a medium that artists in ancient Greek unremarkably used to express spoken truths in an unspoken form. Every piece of ancient Greek sculpture has more than what the eye sees to explain the story slowly the in this case marble.Viewing the Lansdowne Hermes with a naked eye and what you will see is a larger than life-size statue depicting a man with an ideal automobile trunk angle of inclination with the majority of his weight on his right foot. His right artillery is resting on his right buttock in an almost effortless countersink. The left side of his body tells a different story. His left foot has barely any weight on it, and his left arm is supporting a pretty large parcel out of cloth wrapped so it perfectly wraps around the shoulder and rests just above the wrist. It appears that he was at one time holding some manakin of sword or stick. To the naked eye that is what this sculpture seems to be, accepting a sculpture as a piece of art. Glancing at the Lansdowne Hermes you can appreciate kayo of art for beauty of art. However the sculptor had much more in mind when he created this figure from a large unscathed piece of marble. feeling deeper into the statue a trained (or imaginative) eye can see more than what is just given at a glance. The pose given by Hermes is the classical pose of contraposto. Contraposto is a pose developed where the majority of the weight is placed on one leg and the other leg in a relaxed with relatively no weight on it in a position that can both be relaxed and ready to jump to action in the same resting position. The virtually disregarded half palm tree that Hermes is resting against gives a divine character an almost mortal because of the necessity of support on an earthly object. In the pose where the strawman of strength and anticipation of a move, there is also the presence of a mortal presence. The balance of the counter limb activity is present in the contraposto perspective expressing a certain diagona l symmetry. In the Lansdowne Hermes both the right arm and the left leg are in the resting position awaiting the next motion. The right arm is resting on the right buttock anticipating some sort of motion or action to be carried out by the seemingly dormant arm.
Imperialism Essay -- essays research papers
Imperialism was reborn in the West with the emergence of the modern nation-state and the age of exploration and discovery. It is to this modern type of empire building that the experimental condition imperialism is quite often restricted. Colonies were established not only in more or less(prenominal) sparsely inhabited places where there were few or no highly integrated native states (e.g., North America and Africa) but also in lands where ancient civilizations and states existed (e.g., India, Malaya, Indonesia, and the Inca lands of South America). The emigration of European settlers to people the Western cerebral hemisphere and Africa, known as colonization , was marked by the same attitude of assumed superiority on the part of the newcomers toward the native populations that prevailed where the Europeans merely took over go over without large-scale settlements. For centuries, numerous European powers have plundered & terrorised the non-European world treating with contempt the people of different skin colour, cultures, philosophies, religions, languages, way of life. The conquered nations had to give up their own culture, their religions, raze their languages, and convert to our set of beliefs and values that we defined as civilized. Where they didnt settle, the imperialists carved out colonies across the globe and plundered their natural resources using garish native labour. Resource rich or strategically located areas were singled out for special attention. Along with this, strict segregation was enforced between the races by living(a) conditions, wages and public services. No country or remotest island was left to develop to its own accord. The Colonial powers of Europe ruled with an iron fist as they belatedly consumed the nations of the world.From the 15th to the 17th century, the Portuguese and the Dutch built trading empires in Africa and the East for the exploitation of the resources and commerce with lands already developed. The Spanish and P ortuguese established all important(predicate) colonies in the New World in the 16th and 17th cents., hoping to exploit the mineral wealth of the lands they conquered. The British and French imperialists became the foremost exemplars of colonial settlement in Africa and the East. Acting on mercantilist principles (see mercantilism ), the European nations in the 18th cent. attempted to regulate the trade of their colonies in the interests of the mother count... ...der to lead them to a higher direct of civilization and culture. Among the leading critics of imperialism at that time were the Marxists, who saw imperialism as the ultimate stage of capitalism and made much of the connection between imperialist rivalries and war. afterwards World War I, anti-imperialist feeling grew rapidly throughout the world, sparked by the development of movements for national liberation within subject countries. Nevertheless the major colonialist powers, Great Britain, France, and others, held on to their colonies, while Fascist governments in Italy and Germany, as well as militarist opinion in Japan, fostered even more extreme imperialist aims. In the years since World War II, most of the countries once subject to Western control have achieved independence. Much of the contemporary debate centers on the issue of neo-imperialism. Many of the less developed countries contend that their economic development is largely controlled and seriously retarded by the developed countries, both through unfair trading practices and by a lack of controls over international business corporations. So to this day there is still a struggle of power between the strong and the weak.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Technology Is Changing Education :: essays research papers fc
Technology is Changing Education     The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize everytool available, including state-of-the-art applied science. Computers and theInternet have spread out the way in which education can be delivered to thestudents of today. Todays networking technologies go away a semipreciousopportunity to the practice of learning techniques. Educators are discoveringthat electronic computers and multi-based educational tools are facilitating learning andenhancing social interaction. Computer based telecommunications can offerenormous instructional opportunities, only educators will need to adapt currentlesson plan to incorporate this new medium into all the classrooms. The onlyproblem is that some of todays schools are hindered by an under-poweredtechnology based curriculum and, in order to stay competitive, the Americaneducational system essential do a better job of integrating.     Computers hav e make a fundamental change in most industries, providing acompetitive advantage that has come to be essential to stay in business.Therefore, education must also use technology to improve the educational processinstead of simply applying it to existing structures. School systems oftenconsider acquiring an enterprise computer network, but justify its purchase byapplying it to routine administrative tasks, or take period by period attendance.Although these tasks are important, they only represent a small part of whattechnology can do for an educational institution. Technology must go beyondjust keeping attendance, it must focus on keeping students interested andproductive. "Curriculum improvement is the best strategy to prevent dropoutstechnology is especially useful in this regard" (Kinnaman 78). Technology canprovide a unique and compelling curriculum resource, that challenges everystudent.The Clinton administration has taken steps towards improving educationalstandards via its "Goals 2000 Educate America lick of 1994" (Thornburg 23).However, several interpretations of the Act never mention the use of technology.Advocates of the Act need to realize that Internet linked computers can providemore current information than what is found in todays "exciting" textbooks.For example, science textbooks and history textbooks are notoriously out of date.In contrast, the Internet offers students a vast pool of current scientificdata. Most of the m the Internet makes learning fun, unlike the plainfashion of the "almighty" textbook. Computers and other technology can alsoheighten the learning process by actively engaging students in the task ofexploring data. Some students may be tempted to simply download informationfrom the Internet that does not have anything to do with a limited subjectthat they were asked to research. This shows that the Internet may have agreater impact to education than to learn that information from a typicaltextbo ok. Since computers and the Internet have expanded the way with which
Technology Is Changing Education :: essays research papers fc
Technology is Changing Education     The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize everytool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and theInternet sport expanded the way in which education can be delivered to thestudents of today. Todays networking technologies provide a valuableopportunity to the practice of learning techniques. Educators be discoveringthat computers and multi-based educational tools are facilitating learning andenhancing social interaction. Computer based telecommunications can offerenormous instructional opportunities, but educators will need to adapt currentlesson plan to comprise this new medium into all the classrooms. The onlyproblem is that some of todays schools are hindered by an under-poweredtechnology based curriculum and, in order to stay competitive, the Americaneducational system must do a better job of integrating.     Computers have made a fundamental change in most industries, providing acompetitive advantage that has come to be essential to stay in business.Therefore, education must also use technology to improve the educational branchinstead of simply applying it to existing structures. School systems oftenconsider acquiring an enterprise computer network, but justify its purchase byapplying it to r issueine administrative tasks, or take period by period attendance.Although these tasks are important, they only represent a small part of whattechnology can do for an educational institution. Technology must go beyondjust keeping attendance, it must focus on keeping students interested andproductive. "Curriculum improvement is the best outline to prevent dropoutstechnology is especially useful in this regard" (Kinnaman 78). Technology canprovide a unique and compelling curriculum resource, that challenges everystudent.The Clinton government has taken steps towards improving educationalstandards via its "Goals 2000 Educate America Act of 1994" (Thornburg 23).However, several interpretations of the Act never mention the use of technology.Advocates of the Act need to encounter that Internet linked computers can providemore current information than what is found in todays "exciting" textbooks.For example, science textbooks and history textbooks are notoriously out of date.In contrast, the Internet offers students a vast pool of current scientificdata. Most of the time the Internet makes learning fun, unlike the plainfashion of the " overlord" textbook. Computers and other technology can alsoheighten the learning process by actively engaging students in the task ofexploring data. Some students may be tempted to simply download informationfrom the Internet that does not have anything to do with a particular subjectthat they were asked to research. This shows that the Internet may have a great impact to education than to learn that information from a typicaltextbook. Since computers and the In ternet have expanded the way with which
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